API reference

Connecting to a database


Call this once in each OS thread with a sqlite3.Connection, before accessing the database via wurm.

This records the connection and ensures all tables are created.

Defining tables

class wurm.tables.BaseTable(*args, **kwargs)

Baseclass for your own tables. Tables must be dataclasses.

Do not use directly, subclass wurm.Table or wurm.WithoutRowid instead.

Use the keyword argument name in the class definition to set the table name:

class MyTable(Table, name='mytable'):

If not given, wurm uses the class name to automatically derive a suitable table name.

Use the keyword argument abstract in the class definition to add fields or methods that you want to share between several tables:

class HasOwner(Table, abstract=True):
    owner: str
    def display_owner(self):
        return self.owner.capitalize()

The above will not create a new table, but subclasses of HasOwner will have a field called owner and a method called display_owner.

Models are context managers, so one could write:

with MyTable.query(field=value) as obj:
    obj.field = other_value

This automatically calls commit() on obj as long as no exception is raised inside the with-block, in which case obj is left in a dirty state.

classmethod query(**kwargs)

Create a query object.

The names of keywords passed should be rowid or any of the fields defined on the table.

The values can either be Python values matching the types of the relevant fields, or the same wrapped in one of lt(), gt(), le(), ge(), eq() or ne(). When unwrapped, the behavior matches that of values wrapped in eq().

Merely creating a query does not access the database.


A query for this table.

Return type


classmethod __len__()

The total number of rows in this table. A shortcut for len(table.query()).


This method accesses the connected database.

classmethod __iter__()

Iterate over all the objects in the table. A shortcut for iter(table.query())


This method accesses the connected database.


Commits any changes to the object to the database.


This method accesses the connected database.


Deletes this object from the database.


This method accesses the connected database.


ValueError – if called twice on the same instance, or called on a fresh instance that has not been inserted yet.


Insert a new object into the database.


This method accesses the connected database.

class wurm.Table

Baseclass for regular rowid tables. See BaseTable for methods available on subclasses.

class wurm.WithoutRowid

Baseclass for WITHOUT ROWID tables. You need to add an explicit primary key using Primary for these kinds of tables. See BaseTable for methods available on subclasses.


Tables are defined using PEP 526 type annotations, where the type for each column has to be one of the following:

  • One of the basic supported types (currently str, bytes, int, float, bool, datetime.date, datetime.time, datetime.datetime and pathlib.Path).

  • A type registered with wurm.register_type().

  • A previously defined wurm.Table or wurm.WithoutRowid subclass.

  • wurm.Primary[T], wurm.Index[T] or wurm.Unique[T], where T is one of the types mentioned above.


Using Primary[T] as a type annotation in a table definition is equivalent to using T, except that the column will be part of the primary key. If multiple fields on a single table definition are annotated in this way, their columns form a composite primary key together.

If you attempt change the database in a way that would cause two rows to share a primary key, the operation is rolled back, and a WurmError is raised.


Using Index[T] as a type annotation in a table definition is equivalent to using T, except that a (non-UNIQUE) index is created for the field.


Using Unique[T] as a type annotation in a table definition is equivalent to using T, except that a UNIQUE index is created for the field. Note that SQL considers None values to be different from other None values for this purpose.

If you attempt to call insert() or commit() in a way that would violate such a constraint, the operation is rolled back, and a WurmError is raised.

wurm.register_type(python_type, sql_type, *, encode, decode)

Registers a type for use in model fields.

For example:

class Foo:
    def __repr__(self):
    def from_string(cls, string):

register_type(Foo, str, encode=repr, decode=Foo.from_string)
  • python_type (type) – The type to register

  • sql_type – The stored type, one of int, str, float, bytes, a dict from str to the above primitive types, or a tuple of the above primitive types. The latter two options is for types that should be mapped to multiple columns.

  • encode (python_type -> sql_type) – The function to prepare to store a value in the database. Should return a tuple if the type is mapped to multiple columns.

  • decode (sql_type -> python_type) – The function to interpret the stored value. Should take multiple arguments in the case types mapped to multiple columns.


Registers a dataclass for use in model fields.

This is a convenience function that can optionally be used as a decorator. Given:

class Color:
    r: float
    g: float
    b: float

then the following:


is equivalent to:

register_type(Color, dict(r=float, g=float, b=float),
    encode=dataclasses.astuple, decode=Color)

In either case, the model:

class MyTable(Table):
    color: Color

will have the fields color_r, color_g and color_b, which will transparently be converted to and from Color objects.


dclass – The dataclass to register


The registered dataclass


Query objects

Most advanced queries will be done through Query objects, that can be created either explicitly through their constructor, or by calling Table.query().

class wurm.Query(table: Type[wurm.queries.T], filters: Dict[str, Any])

Represents one or more queries on a specified table.

Query(table, filters) is equivalent to table.query(**filters)


Iterate over the results of this query.


This method accesses the connected database.

Equivalent to select_with_limit() without specifying limit.


Returns the number of rows matching this query.


This method accesses the connected database.


number of matches

Return type



Delete the objects matching this query.


Calling this on an empty query deletes all rows of the relevant table in the database


This method accesses the connected database.


the number of rows deleted

Return type



Return the first result of this query.


This method accesses the connected database.


WurmError – if this query returns zero results


Return the only result of this query.


This method accesses the connected database.


WurmError – if this query returns zero results or more than one

select_with_limit(limit: Optional[int] = None)Iterator[wurm.queries.T]

Create an iterator over the results of this query.


This method accesses the connected database.


limit (int or None) – The number of results to limit this query to.


an iterator over the objects matching this query.



Used to wrap values in queries. These functions correspond to the special names for the Python comparison operators.

The expression

MyTable.query(a=le(1), b=gt(2), c=3, d=ne(4))

is roughly equivalent to

SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE a <= 1 AND b > 2 AND c = 3 AND d != 4

Replacing c=3 with c=eq(3) is optional.


exception wurm.WurmError

General error for a database operation failing.

Its __cause__ attribute refers to the relevant sqlite3.Error when that exists.